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3 Tips on How to Deal With Molds (and Protect Your Health)

When you think of threats to your health at home, molds are often not part of the shortlist. However, molds are a silent problem in most homes. And when molds are not properly addressed, it will not just compromise the structural integrity of your property but will also affect the health of everyone in the household. Several horror stories have been reported that involved different types of molds like black mold. For example, there’s this homeowner in the United States that filed a $20 million lawsuit against his insurer and an unreliable mold removal company saying that the mold growth sickened the household members and didn’t spare his dog. And in 2017, it has been reported that two University of Pittsburgh Medical Center hospitals complained of deaths due to molds on their linens.

Molds are serious concerns, and as a homeowner, you should be ready to address these health risks when they appear. The good news is that you can take certain steps on how to address molds and it begins right now. So if you want to avoid the same health issues and stress, consider the following tips.

  1. Know your molds. For many people, molds are terrifying and should be removed from the house in an instant. However, some homeowners are not aware of the health risks associated with molds found in the crawl space or other parts of the house. Whatever the case, it’s best that you learn a few things about black molds. The mold is a type of fungus and it’s common in many homes. You can check for molds in areas where moisture and humidity are high. For example, you can expect the growth of molds in your basement, kitchen, or walls where water from leaky pipes tends to accumulate. Although it’s next to impossible to eliminate these molds, you can reduce the risks through regular cleaning in your house.


  1. Be aware of the health issues associated with mold exposure. When left unattended, molds can also cause health issues. The most commonly reported issue is an allergic reaction. Many individuals have reported a variety of health complaints like itchy eyes, runny nose, skin rash, and even flu. Also, exposure to molds can complicate the asthma attacks in patients suffering from asthma. Furthermore, many health organizations have sounded off the alarms and shared that exposure to these molds can also cause headaches, fatigue, memory loss, and pulmonary hemorrhage.


  1. Take action right now. If you think that your property is now home to molds, then it’s time to act and take control of the situation. The first thing that you can do is to conduct a regular clean-up of your property by focusing on areas with high moisture like the crawl space or walls. You can also go for professional water damage restoration. Too much moisture on the walls and floor can host the growth of molds. Finally, you can let a professional team do the work for you. You can easily find a professional mold removal company that can take out the stress from your hands.